Thursday, 30 March 2017

RPG Information Layout

So as I continue my first journey into indie publishing I am learning all the things we take for granted.

When I write and run an RPG for my eyes only then I'm more than happy to use little sticky notes (those small thin ones) to mark key scribbles in my pages and flick back and forth. However the more I try and get this first adventure (hopefully the first of many) ready to publish the more I find myself thinking how I would want to approach it as a third party who hasn't lived inside my head while all those ideas came to fruition.

The long and the short of it is I spent most of this evening cutting and pasting bits to rearrange the order.

Now I have something more like this:
How to create characters
Super Powers
GM Notes
Adventure opening scene
Final scene

Each act defines the relevant locations, aspects, clues and hints and a ruck load of descriptions and GM hints.

I'm not sure if it is overkill for a one night adventure but I want to try and create something that can be played in many different ways and give GMs options to use material or ignore it as they please.

Only time will tell. As I say as long as I learn and hopefully someone out there gets to play it and have fun then it's worth it. I will take what I learn and any feedback and try and make making the next one a less painful experience!

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