Sunday, 19 March 2017

RPG Journey

I have been an avid RPG player and GM for many years now. In recent years that RPG killer "life" has overtaken me. Family commitments mean that every Saturday fighting dragons and killing monsters became a thing of the past.

More recently I have started getting back into RPGs although in a smaller scale. After talking to some of my friends it became apparent that lots of old school RPG gamers would love to get back into RPGs but they just can't commit to long campaigns. One off adventures that let you get together with your group, or with a slightly different group each session, to complete an adventure really appeal.

This started the seeds of ideas in my head, which finally germinated when I discussed writing some adventures as one offs for a friend who is building a whole RPG world.

So here starts my new venture. Writing and RPG, polishing it, testing it, getting Art, sorting layout, and eventually publishing it. I want to eventually build a portfolio of adventures, aimed at affordable one night runs.

Don't get me wrong. This is not likely to ever replace the day job, it is more a labour of love. But something I can enjoy, and be creative.

So here starts the journey.

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