Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Creative Dilemma

While working on my first RPG adventure to publish, making notes for my second one, and starting the ideas for a third undisclosed project I'm not at liberty to discuss, I am also thinking about creating an RPG adventure for my kids to play (get them into RPGs young!).

This is where is starts to get a little more complicated. I love the Fate Core rules. The basic rule set which you can use as is, and tweak and tailor to how you want. Now I want to do a fantasy themed RPG for the kids with all the normal things. I have a few ideas already formed, magic, magic items and specialised weapons etc..

However to get this at a working point to play test and run is going to take quite a lot of time. I could alternatively work with the kids to roll up some characters say for Swords and Wizardry and run them adventures through there. I find myself caught not just between systems but between wanting the creative freedom to build what is in my head.

Ultimately I want to write adventures against both systems, and others if people like the adventures that I'm writing! I have several long term goals. Over the next 5 years I want to build a portfolio of adventures across two or three systems. I want to improve my style, my technique and hopefully bring some enjoyment to everyone who takes the time to play anything I write.

I wonder how important the creative control of underlying mechanics is to people, against the speed of development when working against a system where a lot of those are well defined. Ultimately my aim will be for people to enjoy what I write, and I don't want to blind myself to the opportunities that are presented by different pre-built systems.

So there we have it. I'm no closer to resolving my internal dilemma, however I have plenty of pieces to work on already and as this will be predominantly a family friendly piece rather than a to publish piece then maybe I shall just follow my heart.

Back to writing!

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