Well I guess the title is pretty broad, so I better narrow it down a little. Anyone who has ever been a GM will know that feeling. They have slaved over their adventure, they have put loads of their heart and soul into it, even if they haven't written it all down they have it in their head, ideas and concepts that they can roll in as needed. ... but what if the players don't like it!
I think at some point in their GMing careers everyone has been there, and if you haven't I wouldn't mind knowing the secret of your success!
What I am finding though is that as the first RPG I want to publish edges ever nearer to completion that the level of anxiety over how it will be received is massively greater than anything I have had when building something for my gaming group.
Now in reality, with this being step 1 in my online presence, the chances are that no-one will see it, or they will see it and hate it. Now that might be writing style, play ability, or a million and one things. I plan on trying to minimise those bits by lining up play tests once I have the first draft all worked through. I have 2 different gaming groups lined up, but will start actively looking for some more play tests once I have everything else completed. With a little luck and a fair wind I will get everything ironed out and released in the next 3 months.
In reality I need to take any and all criticism on board and use it to improve the next RPG that I write, but at the same time I want people to enjoy it.
Well as my mum always says, only time will tell!
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