Thursday, 6 April 2017

RPG Writing Focus

Well as anyone who has read my other blog posts will know I am on my journey to dip my toe in indie publishing. If you have never tried it then I really do recommend it, even if you never get to publish your work, the process itself is really enlightening and has certainly been an eye opener for me so far!

I have decided to scale back the Blog posts I have been writing, mainly to try and refocus on the actual writing.

One of the big things that I struggle with, and I'm guessing others may as well, is maintaining focus on writing what needs to be done. I find it especially hard when I am working on descriptions, if something just is not coming easily to me. I find myself frustrated, and before I know it I have written a blog post, read articles on Google+ and Facebook and generally wasted away my evening rather than confronting my issue head on.

One way I have decided to address this is to try and catch my brain off guard!

I started this today by taking a pad and pen to work and jotting down different elements that could be combined to create job roles/backgrounds for characters, or in Fate terms High Concepts (all during my lunch break don't worry!).

The idea being if I get enough then I can do a random roll to select the first element, followed by a second to get the ending. The first list had words like Magic, Drunkard, Enthusiastic, Picky, Agoraphobic etc. and the second professions, careers or just "what people do". This was everything from doctor, nurse, lawyer to bully and vagrant.

Then I started combining them to see what combinations I could get, one of my favourites was an Agoraphobic Bully. By just throwing together not really related terms it starts the brain working. Where I finish with something it may be miles away from the starting point, but what it does is unblock some of the mental barriers.

I think I will try again tomorrow and see what I can add to it. For now I need to re-focus back on the RPG!

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