Well so far Easter has been quite good when it comes to RPGs! Earlier today I got to take part in a longer running Cthulhu Hack RPG, and I only lost a single Sanity dice!
I also got the nod to start on a second short adventure project, so that's really exciting too!
I have also started reviewing my first RPG to publish. As it stands there are 10 chapters and an appendix with pre-generated characters.
I'm happy (well as happy as I can be) with the first 8 chapters. I think I'm 90% on Chapter 10. That leaves the bulk of the work I have outstanding on chapter 9. It is forming up to be quite an awkward one to lay out. The scene/area consists of lots of bits that are similar, but potentially slightly different. I don't want to just duplicate lots of text, but at the same time need to make it usable/simple for the GM to navigate.
With some luck and a fair wind I'm hoping to get it cracked before I see the back of Easter! I've also started speaking to some potential artists to look at commissioning some pieces to go into the book. That in its own right is a bit of a mine field, maybe I'll cover that in a post in its own right.
I have to go into this eyes wide open. With this being my first (of hopefully many) projects there is a high likelihood that it will be a hard sell to get anyone to want to try it out.
I'm thinking this first shot is likely to be a steep learning curve, and very possibly will cost me cold hard cash, but I think what I can learn from the experience will be more than worth it. I can then use all that on my next project.
I think when I finally upload this to the real world, I'm going to write a "lessons learned", and then move onto my next project.
As always if anyone is interested, or bored I will be looking for people to play test the adventure for me. It is based off the Fate Core rules and is meant to be able to be run in a single session. So if anyone fancies giving it a shot let me know and all I'll ask is for feedback so I can look to improve.
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