I wish I was one of those lucky few who could put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and write things once. Then sit back and admire my masterpiece.
I'm not one of them.
I have ideas and concepts. But that's where it all starts for me.
So for anyone who may find it interesting here is my process.
First I make use of a great app called mindly. It's a mind map tool that is simple and effective. It does cost but to capture ideas and thought trains on the go it is brilliant.
My other invaluable tool is pens pencils and pads. Making notes all over the place is my other main method for making notes.
Once I have my notes ready to start putting in some sort of order I transfer them to a text file.
Next is the brain dump. I rip through all the sections locations etc. and just drop out anything that comes to mind. Anything from single words to whole sentences that help capture rough ideas and concepts I'm going for or what I'm trying to describe.
Then I have a break. Probably a cup of tea, and maybe even a biscuit ... it all depends how long I want to procrastinate for :)
Then starts the real hard work. The iterations. I go back and re write bits. Jumping to wherever my mood takes me, and sometimes forcing myself to move back to brain dump mode to get more information out.
After multiple iterations I finally have something I can let other people look at. Even at this stage I'm expecting all sorts of feedback. That's OK, people have different likes dislikes and styles.
I can then look to incorporate feedback and use it to improve my style and make my next project even better!
OK so at the moment I'm on Project No.1 and I am at the iteration stage so I am still waiting to hit the feedback stage .... I'm hoping it isn't as painful a shock as I fear it may be. But everyone has to start somewhere. I'm happy/confident that the players who have participated in my RPGs have enjoyed themselves, I just need to convey everything in as clear, concise but atmospheric way as possible.
Well there you have it. My rather short write up on how I set about coming up with my final items. Oh and I nearly forgot before I sign off, sometimes I totally scratch an idea, write it off completely and move onto the next one. Never be worried about parking an idea if it feels like it isn't working, maybe at some point in the future it will click, if not move on guilt free :)
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